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The Perils of On-line Divorce

If you are about to start divorce proceedings, one of your first considerations will be how to get through the process at minimum cost. You may well ask yourself, “if I use a high street solicitor, it’s going to end up costing me an arm and a leg – why don’t I do an online divorce?”

The answer to those questions, from a family law specialist, is – unless your marriage split is of the most straight forward type with no marital assets to divide, don’t cut corners in getting the right standard of legal representation.

The response to this may well be “well you would say that wouldn’t you” but the many tales of woe that come from bad experiences of trying to do a divorce on the cheap, remotely through an online lawyer whose identity and credentials you can only take their word about, provides strong evidence that having a solicitor you can connect with on a personal basis and meet face to face is the much better option.

There is the story of a divorce being sent back five times from the court on a decree nisi application, because the online solicitor couldn’t get the procedure correct. There is another case with a consent order drafted by an online solicitor rejected by the Judge who then summoned the parties to a hearing and ordered them to start the process afresh. This ended up costing them thousands of pounds.

When divorce happens, it is a life changing event for which you deserve to have the best available support and advice to get you through the process. In most cases, trying to achieve that through your computer is likely to disappoint.

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018 Divorce, Marriage Breakdown

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