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Family Friendly

Choosing mediation as a way of resolving  disputes between separating couples is now widely used in preference to going straight to a solicitor.   Not only can it work out to be less expensive, it can also prove to be less confrontational, as no matter how conciliatory the approach of your solicitor may be, the mere receipt of a solicitors’ letter can be taken as antagonistic.

Mediation is particularly suitable for children issues as it provides a forum for the parents to discuss the wishes and feelings of the children, as well chewing over the logistics of a shared care or contact routine.

It may not be widely known, but children of ten years and older can participate in mediation sessions between the parents.    There needs to be a consensus by the parents as well as the child to take part.   Even younger siblings can come to meetings to express their wishes and feelings, in the company of an older child.

The mediator who oversees this child-inclusive process, has to be specifically qualified.  There are several types of mediator, those you can engage from your local Family Mediation Service, solicitor mediators who operate within solicitors’ family law departments, and independent family mediators.

If you feel that child inclusive mediation could help your situation, when selecting a mediator, ensure they are suitably qualified.  Family law specialist solicitors will also assist you in the right choice of process for your particular situation.

Thursday, October 17th, 2019 Children, Divorce, Marriage Breakdown, Mediation

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